female worker with shoulder injury on job site

Shoulder injuries are a common occurrence in the workplace. The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in the body and therefore undergoes a tremendous amount of stress and force throughout the normal range of motion. Of these injuries to the shoulder, one of the most common is an injury to the rotator […]

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man experiencing low back pain at work

Low back pain is a very common problem in the population as a whole and especially in the workplace. Evaluating the patient with low back pain can be difficult, especially in the setting of a workers’ compensation injury. Evaluating a Workplace Back Injury The initial evaluation should include a detailed history of the injury, a […]

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older employee working in factory

The aging workforce encompasses those who continue careers after the age of forty. Every day in the United States, 10,000 Baby Boomers turn sixty-five. It is predicted the majority of the workforce will be over the age of forty in the next five to ten years. As the workforce ages, the need for more descriptive […]

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doctor bandaging patient's hand

Many workplace injuries can be prevented by familiarizing both employers and employees with the most common injuries that occur in certain lines of work, as well as how to possibly prevent them from happening. Most, if not all, jobs require the use of the hands to perform work duties, therefore, upper extremity injuries are some […]

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worker with injured hand on job site

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported more than 2.6 million non-fatal workplace injuries in 2020, which are unfortunately all too common and can cause considerable difficulties for patients. In addition to the patient factors, workplace injuries result in significant loss of time, productivity, and morale for the employer, as well. The initial evaluation […]

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