Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Specialists in Central GA

Our specialized staff is highly skilled in treating a wide range of diagnoses.

Amber Wangsness headshot

Amber Wangsness, OTR/L, CSCS, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Anthony Cooper, OTR

Anthony Cooper, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
Cameron Bardash, OTR-L

Cameron Bardash, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
Candice Wilson headshot

Candice Wilson, PT, MPT, Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Chip James Smith headshot

Chip James Smith, PTA

Physical Therapy Assistant
Diana Williams headshot

Diana Williams, MBA, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Francis Arthur headshot

Francis Arthur, MPT, CEAS

Physical Therapist
India Jessie headshot

India Jesse, PTA

Physical Therapy Assistant
Janelle Stewart headshot

Janelle Stewart, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
Janice Childree headshot

Janice Childree, LPTA

Physical Therapy Assistant
Jesse Divakar headshot

Jesse Divakar PT, DPT, C/NDT, Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Jimmy Intorica headshot

Jimmy Intorcia, LAT, ATC

Athletic Trainer
Jordan Spivey headshot

Jordan Spivey, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist
Kaitlyn Lawson, OTR L, CHT headshot

Kaitlyn Lawson, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Kay Davis headshot

Kay Davis, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist
Keith Socarras headshot

Keith Socarras, LPTA

Physical Therapy Assistant
Kristy Talbot headshot

Kristy Talbot, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist
Lance Hutchins headshot

Lance Hutchins, LAT, ATC

Athletic Trainer
Lauren Coleman headshot

Lauren Coleman, PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Lori Gilbert headshot

Lori Gilbert, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Maggie Barhite headshot

Maggie Bennette, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
Marilyn Abraham, PT, DPT

Marilyn Abraham, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist
Megan Sapp headshot

Megan Sapp, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Melissa Bentley headshot

Melissa Bentley, PT, MPT, Cert. DN

Director of Rehabilitation
Natalie Torrey headshot

Natalie Torrey, PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Noah Fessler headshot

Noah Fessler, PT, DPT, OCS

Physical Therapist
Patrick Dziedzic headshot

Patrick Dziedzic, PT

Physical Therapist
Regina Wuest headshot

Regina Wuest, PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Rey Holcomb headshot

Rey Holcomb, PT, DPT Cert. DN

Physical Therapist
Sabrina Honeywell, OTR-L

Sabrina Honeywell, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
Teresa Gilley headshot

Teresa Gilley, LPTA

Physical Therapy Assistant
Terri Rowland headshot

Terri Rowland, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist
Travis Huttner headshot

Travis Huttner, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist
Trevor Harbin headshot

Trevor Harbin, OTR/L, CHT

Occupational Therapist

We Look Forward To Serving Your Rehab Needs!

Awards and Affiliations

Viewers Choice 2024
2024 Best of Middle Georgia
Greater Macon Business of Year
Go Beyond Proffit Member
Top 100
AAAHC Accreditation
ACR Radiology Computed
ACR Radiology Magnetic
ACR Radiology Magnetic
TheOrthoForum Member
Greater Macon Business of Year