doctor holding artificial hip joint

Diagnosis and Treatment of Hip Arthritis in Central Georgia

What is Hip Arthritis?

One of the joints of the body that can be affected by arthritis is the hip. This makes it difficult to perform even the most basic movements on a daily basis. The hip is one of the bodyโ€™s largest joints. It is a ball-and-socket joint, with the socket formed by part of the pelvis bone and the ball formed by the upper end of the thigh bone. Smooth and slippery cartilage covers the bone surfaces, protecting and cushioning the bones as they move. In cases of hip arthritis, this cartilage deteriorates and wears away. This narrows the space between the bones. At OrthoGeorgia, we are proud to provide access to comprehensive total joint care, including the care and treatment of hip arthritis, at our clinic locations throughout Central Georgia. We create personalized treatment plans for each patient, taking their needs and goals into account every step of the way. Learn more about hip arthritis below, and contact the OrthoGeorgia location nearest you to schedule an appointment today.

hip replacement

What are the Symptoms of Hip Arthritis?

There are several types of arthritis that can affect the hip, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis. All of these conditions cause pain in the hip joint, which can be constant or flare up at certain times. Pain is mainly felt in the groin, outer thigh, and upper buttock areas. Hip arthritis also causes stiffness in the hip which can make moving the hip or rotating the leg more difficult. Patients sometimes hear cracking, crunching, clicking, or snapping sounds when moving the hip as well. The decreased range of motion caused by this condition can cause difficulty walking or a noticeable limp.

Diagnosing Hip Arthritis

When you come to see us at OrthoGeorgia, the members of your care team will take time to get to know you and understand your symptoms, medical history, and how your pain is affecting your life. The main imaging test used to detect hip arthritis is an X-ray, which can be performed at any of our OrthoGeorgia locations. X-rays allow your doctor to see if the space between your bones is more narrow than it should be. X-rays can also identify bone spurs and cysts, which can develop as a result of osteoarthritis. If rheumatoid arthritis is suspected, blood tests may help your doctor reach a diagnosis as well.

How is Hip Arthritis Treated in Central GA?

Cartilage loss in the hip cannot be reversed, but there are a variety of treatment methods used to reduce pain and prevent further damage. Treatment options vary based on the age of the patient, the severity of their pain, and the type and stage of their arthritis.

Nonsurgical Hip Arthritis Treatment

Treatment for hip arthritis often begins with nonsurgical methods. There are a wide range of changes you can make in your daily life that can help with pain and make movement easier. Minimizing tasks that aggravate the condition, switching to low-impact activities, and losing weight can reduce stress on the hip joint and slow the progression of arthritis. Physical therapy is another common nonsurgical treatment option for hip arthritis. A personalized physical therapy program can help you improve flexibility, build up strength, and maintain range of motion in the hip area. At OrthoGeorgia, we proudly offer physical therapy care in Macon, Warner Robins, and Kathleen, with each patient receiving a physical therapy care plan that takes their unique situation into account. Your doctor may also recommend that you use assistive devices such as a cane or walker to improve mobility. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed.

Will I Need Surgery for Hip Arthritis?

If your case of hip arthritis continues to cause severe pain and negatively affect your quality of life despite nonsurgical treatments, your doctor may recommend surgery. There are different surgical options for hip arthritis. Your total joint specialist at OrthoGeorgia will walk you through your options and help determine which procedure is best suited for you. The hip is one of the most commonly replaced joints, and if hip replacement is right for you, we will ensure that you feel confident and comfortable with your care every step of the way.

Other Hip Conditions We Treat at OrthoGeorgia

We understand that injuries and conditions of the hip can seriously affect our patientsโ€™ lives, whether those limitations take place on the sports field, at home, or at work. When you come to see us, the members of our team will work to determine the cause of your symptoms and help you find relief through an individualized treatment plan. Some of our hip specialties in Central GA include:

Total Joint Replacement Specialists at OrthoGeorgia

Dr. Jonathan Harris headshot
Jonathan S. Harris, MD
Jorgensen 2024 500px
Dennis K. Jorgensen, MD
Dr. Todd Kinnebrew headshot
Todd E. Kinnebrew, MD
Dr. Gregory Lee headshot
Gregory P. Lee, MD
Dr. Brian Ludwig headshot
Brian J. Ludwig, MD
Dr. Wood Pope headshot
Wood D. Pope, MD
Dr. Joseph Slappey headshot
Joseph E. Slappey Jr., MD
Dr. Timothy Stapleton headshot
Timothy R. Stapleton, MD
Dr. Richard Thomas headshot
Richard J. Thomas, MD
Dr. Robert Thornsberry
Robert M. Thornsberry, MD
dr toth headshot
Matthew J. Toth, MD
Dr. Zaneb Yaseen headshot
Zaneb Yaseen, MD

Total Joint Care Locations

Location Icon HeroMacon

Macon Urgent Care

3708 Northside Drive, Building A, Macon, GA 31210

Call (478) 745-4206

Location Icon HeroMacon Spine Center

Spine Center

3708 Northside Drive, Building B, Macon, GA 31210

Call (478) 745-4206

Location Icon HeroWarner Robins

Warner Robins Urgent Care

301 Margie Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088

Call (478) 971-1153

Location Icon HeroKathleen

Kathleen Orthopaedic Center

2510 GA-127, Kathleen, GA 31047

Call (478) 971-1153

Location Icon HeroMilledgeville

OrthoGeorgia Milledgeville office

2803 North Columbia Street, Suite D, Milledgeville, GA 31061

Call (478) 414-5820

Location Icon HeroHawkinsville


222 Perry Hwy, Bldg B, Hawkinsville, GA 31036, USA

Call (478) 971-1153

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2024 Best of Middle Georgia
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Greater Macon Business of Year